St. Lawrence River Watershed Revitalization Plan

SLRWRP Rest plan pages 1-206 SLRWRP Rest plan and Imp pages 207 to 428

ABOVE are the links to the final document! There are 2 pieces.


THANK YOU – New York State Department of the State

This plan was prepared with funding provided by the New York State
Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund.

Without the amazing Consultant Team we would not have had this happen

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The Mission of the Saint Lawrence River Partnership Partnership is to encourage watershed partnerships and the implementation of conservation  projects that promote, enhance and protect natural resources and water quality.


The St. Lawrence River Watershed Project and the Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District are developing the St. Lawrence River Watershed Revitalization Plan with support from the New York State Department of State’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program.

Watershed planning is a structured process of setting goals and objectives, characterizing existing conditions, and identifying actions to achieve a community’s vision for a thriving and sustainable future. A Watershed Advisory Committee (WAC) has been established to ensure that the Revitalization Plan reflects the knowledge of organizations directly involved with the St. Lawrence River watershed. Public outreach will be an important part of the plan, and the project team will hold three public meetings to provide watershed residents with a chance to provide input, ask questions, and comment on the plan.

The watershed planning process gives communities in the watershed a chance to consider projects that could spark economic investment, natural­ resource protection, regional sustainability, and community revitalization.  A key outcome will be identification of specific implementation projects that will help bring watershed revitalization goals to fruition.

When approved, the Plan will reflect community consensus and provide a clear direction for future initiatives, which in turn will strengthen funding applications to support these initiatives.


First WAC meeting   May 2019

Public meeting #1    Fall 2019

Public meeting #2    Spring 2020

Draft Plan                   Aug. 2020

Public meeting #3    Fall 2020

Final Plan                   Dec. 2020



Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District

Chastity Miller, District Manager



EcoLogic (315.655.8305)

Liz Moran

Elizabeth Myers

Anchor QEA (315.453.9009)

James Rhea

Michael Werth


Matthew Biondolillo

This information was prepared with funding provided by the New York State Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund. The development of the Restoration Plan is also being prepared with funding provided by the New York State Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund.

For More Information or to Become Involved in SLRWP,

call (518) 651-2097 or email