There are many benefits to conducting sound forest management.  A forest management plan is written based the goals and desires of the landowner and includes actions to be taken to achieve these. The plan itself is a document that landowners and foresters can refer to for guidance while a property is being managed. The first step in creating a forest management plan to conduct an inventory of the property and to meet with the landowner to discuss their goals and objectives of the property. An inventory describes the soil and timber types, estimates the volume of trees and regeneration present, evaluates wildlife habitat, locates available access, and identifies historic, cultural, and natural resources that need to be protected. In forest management, trees are harvested for a variety of reasons including improving the health of the forest by removing diseased and damaged trees, creating biodiversity by controlling the types of trees that grow on the site, managing forest to attract certain wildlife species and providing a source of income for the landowner. If you are interested in any of the services below, please contact  Kristin at (518) 651-2097

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-Forest Management Plans

-Forest Inventory & Value Assessment

-Wildlife Management Planning

-Tree Pruning  (Not Christmas Tree Farms)

-Tree Planting

-Forest Recreation Management

-Timber Marking

-Sugar bush Management

-Tree Farm Management Plans

-Stream and Wetland Crossing Permits

-Beaver Control Permits


Logging Contractor List 2021