Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District in conjunction with Life Science Laboratories, Inc. and Endyne is a Drinking Water Sample drop off location!

You can swing by the office to get bottles for samples:

174 Finney Blvd. Malone, NY 12953

Endyne Labs information:

Life Science Labs information:



Endyne Lab Contact Information:

Plattsburgh: (518) 563-1720

New York Homeowner Packages

Life Science Lab Contact Information:

131 St. Lawrence Ave.. Waddington, NY 13694 – Phone: 315-388-4476

All samples must be dropped off to FCSWCD by 8:45am on Tuesday or Thursday for processing

Sample Type Bottle Type Price
Total Coliform Small bottle with Preservative, clear sided bottle $37.00
Nitrate Small bottle $32.00
Nitrite Small bottle $27.00
Lead/Copper Big Bottle ( 1 Liter) $44.00
Sulfide Small bottle $32.00
Iron Small bottle $27.00
Sodium Small bottle $27.00
Chloride Small bottle $32.00
Hardness Small bottle $32.00
Alkalinity Small bottle- leave no air in bottle $22.00
Sample Type MCL Causes
Total coliform 0 Human and animal waste
E. coli 0 Human and animal waste
Nitrate 10 mg/L Runoff from fertilizer, leaching from septic, sewage
Nitrite 1 mg/L Runoff from fertilizer, leaching from septic
Lead 0 Corrosion of pipes, erosion of natural deposits
Sulfur 250 mg/L Decay of organic material/not a health hazard
Iron 0.3 mg/L Corrosion of pipes, erosion of natural deposits
Sodium 20 mg/L Runoff, erosion of natural deposits
Copper 1.3 mg/L Corrosion of pipes, erosion of natural deposits/ blue-green stains
Turbidity 1 NTU Soil Runoff
Alkalinity 500 ppm Calcium carbonate, being leached from rocks and soil
Iron + Manganese 0.3 mg/L Corrosion of pipes, erosion of natural deposits
pH 6.5-8.5 Corrosion of pipes, erosion of natural deposits
Hardness mg/l or ppm
Soft 0 – 17.1
Slightly hard 17.1 – 60
Moderately hard 60 – 120
Hard 120 – 180
Very Hard 180 & over

MCL=Maximum Contaminant Level- The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology and taking cost into consideration. MCLs are enforceable standards. (EPA)

Local Well Drillers:

Disclaimer – While the Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District strives to make the information on this website as accurate as possible, the District makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this contractors list, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of the list. Reference in this list to any specific commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation named is for the information and convenience of the District, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District.

This is not an all-inclusive list of well drillers, nor is this a recommendation made by the Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District of contractors to use. Landowners are responsible to make their own decision in choosing a contractor. This list is in no particular order and landowners should do their due diligence before hiring a logging contractor. If a  contractor would like to be added to or removed from this list they should contact the Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District to do so, by calling (518) 651-2097.

Woods Well Drilling -2328 Rt 11B North Bangor 12966 -(518) 483-2932

Ormsby’s Well Drilling Inc.- 927 NYS Route 22B Main Morrisonville -(518) 643-2561

Adirondack Water Systems INC – 3 Tower Rd. Ausable Forks, NY 12912-

(518) 647-1228 -(518) 335 8927

 BC Well Drilling PO Box 164 Highgate Springs VT 05460 -(518) 561-8868 -(800) 248-4082

 Breault Gus JR Water Well Contractor 118 Stalker Rd White Hall NY 12887 -(800) 262-9355

C & L Well Drilling -(518) 846-8164

 Fenlong Well Drilling -(800) 340-3551

Garry Wolfe’s Drilling -(518) 251-2705

 Hanson Well Drilling & Pump PO Box 463 Nassau NY 12123 -(800) 292-7645 -(518) 359-9797

 Parker Water Wells PO Box 627 East Poutney VT 05741 -(518) 566-9388

    Parsons Michael Well Drilling CO -(518) 562-2538

Vandney R H Well Driller -(518) 356-1197