Disclaimer – While the Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District strives to make the information on this website as accurate as possible, the District makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this contractors list, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of the list. Reference in this list to any specific commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation named is for the information and convenience of the District, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District.

This is not an all-inclusive list of contractors, nor is this a recommendation made by the Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District of contractors to use. Landowners are responsible to make their own decision in choosing a contractor. This list is in no particular order and landowners should do their due diligence before hiring a logging contractor. If a  contractor would like to be added to or removed from this list they should contact the Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District to do so, by calling (518) 651-2097.

Brockway’s Concrete Foundations, Inc. 

315 Russell Road, Moira, NY 12953 (518) 529-6387 shop (518) 529-0724

Services: All types of concrete work: cellars, slabs, walls, driveways, bunks, silos, manure pits

Calhoun Super Structure

Constable, NY 12926 (518) 483-7379, (518) 569-9631, www.cover-tech.com


Services: Calhoun Super Structure, hoop structures, greenhouses, Cover-Tech structures

Wheeler Construction & Firewood

Paddy Wheeler, 372 CR 29, Burke, NY 12917  518-483-6370 (h) or 518-651-4334 (c)

Services:  All types of General Construction including: concrete work to roofing, building new homes to tearing down buildings.  He also cuts and delivers wood in the surrounding area.

H & C Robinson Contractors, Inc. 

53 Robinson Circle, Malone, NY 12953 (518) 483-1355

Services: Residential, farm and commercial; excavation, building and concrete; site prep; sand and gravel; trucking; land clearing; wetland restoration

JRL Contracting

Kelly Bracy (owner) 1566 County Route 23, Chateaugay,  NY  12920 (518) 521-9260

Services: Mowing, trimming, seeding/hydroseeding, raking, fertilizing,  mulching, plowing, sanding/salting, excavation and trash removal/pickup/rentals.

Tim Leahy Construction, Inc.  Evacuation Division   

Michael T. Leahy 15688 SR 30, Constable, NY 12926 (518) 483-6555 (phone) 518-483-7376  (fax) email:  Mleahy320cat@yahoo.com 

Services: General contractors, mostly excavation work, also building work, if/when crews are available; Residential and commercial

Leahy Snow Control, LLC. 

Michael T. Leahy, 15703 SR 30, Constable, NY 12926

Leahy Firewood Co

15688 SR 30, Constable, NY 12926

Lancaster Poured Walls 

2542 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 656-7370 fax (717) 656- 7357

Services: Tanks, water treatment plants, digester units, livestock concrete pads

Legacy Sand and Gravel 

551 County Route 25 Malone, NY 12953 (518) 483- 2852

Services: Gravel (screened and unscreened); Gravel (coarse and fine); Stone 12″- 2′; Ditching, tiling, land clearing, de-stumping, drainage work, septic systems

Maloney’s Trucking & Excavation

John Maloney, 1120 State Route 11B Brushton, NY 12920 (518) 529-0114 Cell (518) 260-7500

Services: Trucking, excavation, demolition, foundations, septic systems, drives

Mayville Enterprises

State Route 11B, East Dickinson, NY 12930 (518) 529-7869 Cell (518) 232-1461

Services: Excavation, small tile jobs (500 ft.), ditching, clearing, sand & gravel, stone-custom crushing, concrete

MJ Raymond Construction, LLC

P. O. Box 1335 (mailing), 1026 NYS Route 3 (shipping) Saranac Lake, NY 12983, Phone (518) 891-8822 Fax:  (518)-891-8823

Cindy Woods Garso PE  (cell 518-524-5384) cindy@mjraymond.com

Northeast Drainage

275 County Route 29, Canton, NY 13617

Services: Tile drainage

North Star Drilling

Steven J. Laramee, P.O. Box 317 37 Copeland Avenue Homer NY, 13077, Office # (607)749-6000, Cell # (315)378-8607

Pikeside Ag Machinery- Adam Becker 585-435-7367

5344 Griffith Rd, Gainesville, NY 14066, Pikeside.com

Manure, separation systems, agitation, injection, pumping, transfer, and spreading.

Nutrient Recovery, silage boxes, tire shooters, roll stands, dump carts and silo plastic.

R. Hogan Excavating, LLC. 

Robert Hogan, 2086 Plank Rd Ellenburg Depot, NY 12935 (518) 594-3845 (518) 572-2983 hoganexc@live.com

Services: All Excavation, land clearing/mulching

Redline Drainage

Steve Roy, Owner/Operator, 178 Reynolds Road, West Chazy, NY 12992 (518) 846-3620, Cell (518) 578-2738 Fax (516) 846-3680

Services: Pattern tile drainage, ditching, land clearing, excavating

Stephen Rabideau

250 Wangum Road, Moira, NY 12957 (518) 529-0752 (phone), 518-521-5279 (cell), sarabideau@hotmail.com

Services: Septic systems, concrete pads, driveways, ditches, bunks, lane ways, waste pits, hauling and excavation service

Smith Creek Fish Farm, LLC

5540 Route 362, Bliss, NY 14024 (585) 322-7805

Services: Pond and lake service and supply

St. Lawrence Valley Concrete

1600 State Route 11, Brushton, NY 12916, (518) 529-7866

Services: Pre-casting concrete

Solitude Lake Management

20 Main Street, Worcester, NY 12197, (607) 433-2484, info@solitudelake.com


Services: lake, pond, wetland and fisheries management programs, algae and aquatic weed control, mechanical harvesting, hydro-raking, installation and maintenance of fountains and aeration systems, water quality testing and restoration, nutrient remediation, bathymetry, lake vegetation studies, biological assessments, habitat assessments, invasive species management and nuisance wildlife management.

Ricks Contracting

Mooers Forks, NY 12959, (518) 236-5774

Services: Excavating, ditches, lane clearing, ponds, field drainage, tile by hand, lane ways, sand, gravel trucking, concrete pads, septic pump stations, milk house waste

Will travel to Franklin County

Roger Wright

Associate Broker- Coldwell Banker (518) 572-6484, roger.wright@coldwellbanker.com

Services: Realtor

Seamless Roofing System

David Siskavich- PO Box 872 Dannemora, NY 12929 518-569-7136 dsiskavich@charter.net

Seamless Roofing Systems – Conklin Roofing Systems and Specialty Coatings

Starks Gravel & Excavation, LLC

295 County Route 40, Constable, NY 12926 Daytime (518) 358-5989 Evenings (518) 358 -2831

Services: Manure pits, ditches, ponds, roadways/driveways, gravel pads, stream bank restoration, sand & gravel delivered

Tater Acres Enterprises

Silas Vincent III, Owner/Operator

132 Vincent Road, Malone, NY (518) 483-2305, (518) 570- 9804

Services: Excavation & trucking, sand, gravel, top soil, tile drainage, roadways, gravel pads, land clearing, site prep, septic, demo work

Titus Mountain Sand & Gravel 

215 Johnson Road, Malone, NY 12953 (518) 483-3740 (518) 483-7278

Services: Backhoe & bulldozer service, trucking, camp roads, septic systems, sand, gravel, crushed gravel, crushed stone, decorative stone

Millers Country Store

275 East Road, Burke, NY   12917 William & Sadie Miller (owners) 518-497-6373 (phone)

Services:  Stoves, chimneys, coal, propane appliances, off-grid options, boots, shoes, housewares, bulk foods, spice, gifts and more…..

Integrity Lining Systems

Owner/Operator:  Tim Parks, Phone:  607-591-6213


North Country Concrete Coating- Benny Miller 518-483-0727

Concrete coatings, patios, resurfacing, garages

Pump Service & Supply – Rich Noll 518-272-0388 (office), 518-337-7536 (cell), 518-272-0389 (fax)

Rentals – Sales – Service


Woods Well Drilling- North Bangor 518-483-2932

Ormsby’s Well Drilling- 518-643-2561